Self-awareness is the key predictor of success 
among business leaders and their teams.

Leadership Assessment and Development Tools 

We're focused on helping you accelerate leadership excellence and create a
high-performance culture. 

We begin by leveraging a range of proven, research-based tools that help us determine the current effectiveness of your organisation's leadership. Our tools provide an opportunity to deepen self-knowledge and awareness for individuals and within teams. Armed with this insight, we offer a range of development strategies to propel positive growth for your people.

The Enneagram is a comprehensive personality typing system. It delves into the intricacies of our individual personalities and of those we interact with. It classifies nine distinct personality types and the ways each personality engages and relates with the world.

It is not only an effective tool for personal development but also a powerful resource for enhancing team dynamics and leadership performance. We are certified in the iEQ9 Individual and Team Enneagram assessment tools and believe these reports offer the most accurate, in-depth insight available.

Advanced iEQ9 Enneagram for Individuals and Teams

The 360° leadership assessment gathers feedback from all levels of an organisation that influence a leader’s effectiveness. From bosses, associates, and peers, to direct reports. The purpose is to evaluate leadership skills, attitudes, influence, amongst other key leadership competencies.

The Leadership Circle Profile is unique because it is the only 360° assessment that measures Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies, combining leadership’s inner and outer attributes. This 360-degree assessment feedback gives the leader greater insight into how they are perceived, including strengths and current limitations in their leadership effectiveness.

Leadership Circle 360

Korn Ferry & The Korn Ferry Institute provide a range of assessments for closing the potential gap of your talent. These tools exist to help organisations ‘measure, evaluate and benchmark both the skillset and mindset of employees to understand the talent you have and the talent you need to deliver sustainable growth’. We love these proven effective tools because they cover many areas including organisation strategy to talent acquisition, assessment & succession planning plus leadership & professional development.

Korn Ferry’s Organisational Assessments

The LSI assessment was designed by Human Synergistics, which has an international reputation for innovation in the field of organisational development. This particular tool was designed for managers, leaders, and those in professional and technical roles. It’s focused on empowering people to actualise their potential and contribute to the success of their organisation. It’s particularly useful for helping people to improve their performance by discovering new and/or different ways of thinking and behaving, navigating stress, coping with pressure and change, creative thinking and developing better interpersonal skills + more.

Life Styles Inventory™ Assessment (LSI)

Dare to Lead™, is an empirically based, courage-building program built on four skill sets that are 100% teachable, measurable and observable. They move professionals from Armored Leadership to Daring Leadership.

The exclusive Dare to Lead™ training is segmented into 4 modules: Rumbling with Vulnerability, Living Into Your Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise. It’s beneficial for those who seek brave action, innovation, and transformation in their leadership, team and life. 


The Leadership System™ is a systemic approach to leadership development. Designed to dramatically increase individual and collective leadership effectiveness.

Drawing on Kolb's Adult Learning Cycle which views Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, it identifies four linked styles of learning that are necessary for adults to learn and change. These include: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualisation and Active Experimentation. The Leadership System delivers long-term, deep, and effective growth.

Our Conscious Leader program is focused on understanding yourself as a leader before leading others. The purpose is to help new or seasoned leaders to get clarity on ‘Who I am’, ‘What do I offer?’, ‘What are my strengths, values and the areas I need to improve in?’. We leverage a range of personality assessment tools throughout the duration of the program.

These tools are proven to be extremely effective in helping people understand themselves first, to then make positive changes, which enhance their leadership style. From there we build a plan of action to achieve their goals. We also offer optional one-to-one coaching to facilitate the growth journey.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum venenatis sem eget lacus fringilla, a ultricies quam pellentesque. Nullam nec elit at mi tincidunt sollicitudin. Praesent et fermentum velit.